суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

code collectible three

The fall is here and halloween is almost upon us...my favorite time of the year

Ya know...my life has been a rollercoaster since I returned from Sicily...

I finally decided to leave the recruiting gig...I am currently contracting for a pharma company out in Wallingford CT till I find my next gig...I am sooo happy I cannot tell you...:-)

Well just to catch you all up and make you current...

My bro is getting a divorce...his soon to be ex has left the house as of last weekend...he is torn up about his little girl being gone but overall not having her around these last few days has been stress free...

I did a spiritual retreat this past weekend in Mount Washington MA...Iapos;ll write about and post it privately later. Suffice it to say it was an intense experinece...one of the best I have experienced.

And right after that experince I got into an accident this past Wednesday night...horrible one in fact. Everyone is ok so let me get that out of the way first. I just canapos;t remember how it happened but it was scary when I saw the car flipped over and thinking the guy I hit might be dead. He crawled out and from what I understand all he had were bumps and bruises and no broken bones. I have a fractured left hand (pinky and ring finger are affected) but overall not badly bruised. It was a true miracle.

Anyway I have a date tonight with a guy I met a few weeks ago...am looking forward to it.

Hope all is well with you kidz....

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